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versão On-line ISSN 0121-3709
MARCIALES-CARO, Lili J.; DIAZ-OLARTE, John J.; CRUZ-CASALLAS, Pablo E. e MEDINA-ROBLES, Víctor M.. Evaluation of the plankton composition in four overflow lagoons from Metica river (Puerto Lopez, Meta, Colombia). Orinoquia [online]. 2012, vol.16, suppl.1, pp.203-216. ISSN 0121-3709.
We determined phytoplankton and zooplankton cualitative composition in four wetlands, within Metica river floodplain (Puerto López - Meta), during two hydrologic periods: low water and high water periods. About four lakes, we observed differences related with input from the mainstream Metica river and tributaries from savannah to each water body. Nare lake presented pH and conductivitie values higher than the others lakes, and receives much input from the tributaries from savannah that Metica river. Virginia and Navajas receives much imput from Metica river and Campana lake is isolated and had stable limnological conditions throughout the study. Regarding the phytoplankton community were determined 45 taxa distributed in 7 major algal groups, with greater representation in the Euglenophyceae and Zygnematophyceae. Zooplankton community was represented by 27 morphospecies. Lake Virginia has the highest diversity in both cases. Morphospecific composition of phytoplankton and zooplankton communities was higher in low-water period with respect to high water. Temporal variations observed in abiotic factors (physical and chemical parameters and nutrients) are directly related to hydrological changes, like changes in planktonic diversity.
Palavras-chave : floodplain; nutrients; orinoquia; phytoplankton; zooplankton.