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versão On-line ISSN 0121-3709


GONGORA-ORJUELA, Agustín; PARRA-ARANGO, Jorge L  e  CIUODERIS, Karl A. The presence of antibodies against equineherpes virus 1 and 4 in the Colombian Orinoco region. Orinoquia [online]. 2014, vol.18, n.1, pp.79-85. ISSN 0121-3709.

This study was aimed at evaluating the presence of equineherpes virus 1 (EHV-1) and 4 (EHV-4) antibodies in equine populations from the Colombian Orinoco region. Cross-sectional serological sampling was thus used on horses (n: 260) from 6 localities in the region. An ELISA test was used for analysing the samples, using a commercial kit which discriminated antibodies regarding both viruses; 12.7% seropositivity was found for EHV-1 and 70.4% for EHV-4. All the horses found seropositive for EHV-1 were also seropositive for EHV-4. EHV-1 seropositivity by municipality was as follows: San Martin 34.6%, Arauca 10.4%, Puerto López 8.7%, Yopal 6.3%, San José del Guaviare 4.9% and Puerto Gaitán 4.0%. EHV-4 seropositivity for the same municipalities was 80.8%, 77.1%, 45.7%, 79.2%, 65.9%, 72.0%, respectively. The presence of antibodies against both viruses was identified, seropositivity being higher for EHV-4. These results showed the need for further studies aimed at a better understanding of the disease, its epidemiology and pattern in the aforementioned region.

Palavras-chave : Antibody; horse; EHV-1; EHV-4.

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