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vol.21 número1Sistemas de informação: definições, usos e limitações para o caso da produção colombiana de ovelhas índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão On-line ISSN 0121-3709


TARON-DUNOYER, Arnulfo A.; GUZMAN-CARRILLO, Luis E.  e  BARROS-PORTNOY, Israel. Assessment of natural coagulant Cassia fistula in the primary treatment of wastewater. Orinoquia [online]. 2017, vol.21, n.1, pp.73-78. ISSN 0121-3709.

Different natural compounds extracted from plants have been used for the treatment of wastewater for many centuries. These mostly derived from seeds, leaves, bark or sap, roots and fruits of trees and plants. In this paper the use of seed powder Cassia fistula as a natural coagulant was studied. Establishing optimum dose by jar testing and determining the parameters of DBO5, DQO, conductivity, color, turbidity, total alkalinity and total hardness; using wastewater pumping station of the city of Cartagena de Indias (Colombia). Natural optimal coagulant dose between 15-25 mg/L is found. Obtaining final values of 30.25 NTU turbidity and 84 color UC´s respectively. The values of pH and total alkalinity no major variations. The values of the turbidity and color parameters like pH, total alkalinity and total hardness corresponding with those reported by different authors, which shows that C. fistula is a natural, promising and effective coagulant for the substitution of inorganic coagulants in the process of coagulation of wastewater.

Palavras-chave : flocculation; optimal dosage; stability..

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