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Suma Psicológica

Print version ISSN 0121-4381


LOPES DA CUNHA, Laís Renata et al. Fear of COVID-19 and psychological distress: The mediating effect of “infoxication” during the pandemic. Suma Psicol. [online]. 2023, vol.30, n.1, pp.48-57.  Epub Jan 19, 2024. ISSN 0121-4381.


During the pandemic, the fear of COVID-19 affected people’s lives, mainly associated with infoxication, which corresponds to the excessive consumption of content that compromises absorption and filtering capacity for relevance and veracity. This research aimed to verify the mediating role of infoxication in the relationship between fear of COVID-19 and symptoms of anxiety, stress and depression. It counted with 424 people from the general population (M = 25.48, ranging from 18 up to 75 years; SD = 8.63), mostly women (56.1%) from different Brazilian states, who responded to EPININ, FCV-19S, DASS-21 and demographic questions. Correlations, followed by regressions and mediation models demonstrated the contribution of the fear of COVID-19 and infoxication in the symptoms of anxiety, depression and stress. It is discussed how high levels of fear, when mediated by the exacerbated search for information, tend to harm mental health during the pandemic. However, excessive access to digital media was associated with increased psychological distress. The data obtained is the result of infoxication, as it acted as a mediator of mental illness in the pandemic period.

Keywords : Fear; infodemic; anxiety; depression; stress.

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