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Avances en Enfermería

Print version ISSN 0121-4500


CARRENO MORENO, Sonia Patricia  and  CHAPARRO DIAZ, Lorena. Rebuilding the meaning of quality of life for caregivers care: a meta-synthesis. av.enferm. [online]. 2015, vol.33, n.1, pp.55-66. ISSN 0121-4500.

Chronic non-communicable diseases affect quality of life of people who suffer them and their family caregivers. It has been shown that lifestyles change, pain and limitations appear, socializing alters, and feelings of loss and death occur. This is why it is required to make a systematic review of the knowledge generated in order to theoretically build the concept of quality of life of family caregivers. Objective: To perform an interpretative integration from the scientific evidence of quality of life phenomenon of people' caregivers with chronic diseases. Method: It is a meta-synthesis of 24 papers published on scientific investigations of quality of life phenomenon of people's caregivers with chronic disease, from electronic databases recognized in nursing and health from the Sandelowski and Barroso method (2006). Results: It came a hypothetical approach called Rebuilding the meaning of quality of life of carers in care which is based on three times for the meaning of quality of life: living in distress, living for the quality of life of the other, and building one's quality of life. Conclusions: Reconceptualization of the quality of life of caregivers gene-rates for the caregiver a different way of perceiving his or her experience, which is conditioned by the moral issues associated with the work of beeing a caregiver and human development options with emerging spiritual meaning. The building of the meaning of quality of life for the caregiver is given through the experience of care, building itself on the exercise of their caregiving role, which responds to factors closely related to moral and evolves taking a spiritual meaning.

Keywords : Caregivers; Quality of Life; Chronic Disease; Evidence - Based Nursing.

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