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Cuadernos de Economía

Print version ISSN 0121-4772


RAMOS RUIZ, José Luis; POLO OTERO, José Luis  and  ARRIETA BARCASNEGRAS, Aquiles. Input-Output Analysis and public investment: A case study in the Colombian Caribbean region. Cuad. Econ. [online]. 2017, vol.36, n.70, pp.137-167. ISSN 0121-4772.

This paper tries to identify sectors that have a greater multiplier effect on the economy in the departments located on the Caribbean region of Colombia. The purpose of this is to locate strategic sectors that can guide territorial governments' investment-making decisions. Through regional input-output analysis, and by using the modified FLQ formula and the hypothetical extraction method, we identify that industry has the greatest impact on output, employment, and household income. However, we found low interconnection between most sectors, especially in peripheral areas of the region.

JEL: R53, D57, R11, R15.

Keywords : Public investment; input-ouput analysis; location quotients; multiplier.

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