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GARCIA GARCIA, Jesús. Open Government: Transparency, Participation and Collaboration in Public Administration. Innovar [online]. 2014, vol.24, n.54, pp.75-88. ISSN 0121-5051.

This article analyzes the employment of open data as an element in improving public administration and accountability. Currently, administrations have access to vast amounts of information stored in closed databases, which is only available to a small number of individuals and organizations. This situation produces a significant asymmetry of information and frictions between governments and the citizenry, which have the potential to undermine democratic legitimacy by creating distance between governors and the governed. Digital technology and culture, which are being incorporated into society in an unstoppable process, create a world that is more transparent, and creative processes that are more participatory and collaborative. These are examined as elements that are disruptive of the democratic process. Special attention is paid to the concept of open public data as the basis of a strategy to create open government and public administration.

Keywords : open government; transparency; participation; collaboration; public data; accountability.

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