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Print version ISSN 0121-5051
JORGE DE JESUS, Maria Antónia and JORGE, Susana Margarida. From Governmental Accounting into National Accounts: Adjustments Diversity and Materiality with Evidence from the Iberian Countries' Central Governments. Innovar [online]. 2014, vol.24, n.54, pp.121-138. ISSN 0121-5051.
In a context where governments around the worid acknowiedge a need for more informative governmentai financiai reporting to improve financiai sustainabiiity, the European Council is proposing that EU member states adopt Internationa! Pubiic Sector Accounting Standards (IP-SASs)-which are recognized as aiso aiiowing improved reiiabiiity of government finance statistics-in aii subsectors of the Generai Government Sector (GGS). Consequentiy, the Governmentai Accounting (GA) roie of running and reporting on governments' budgets for purposes of decisionmaking and accountabiiity is changing to inciude being part of the EU budgetary and monetary poiicy, specificaiiy within the Euro zone. Accordingiy, the objective of this paper is twofoid. First, it aims to start a debate in the ii-terature about the abiiity of GA as it stands across Europe to meet the European System of Nationai and Regionai Accounts (ESA) requirements concerning GGS data. This assumes particuiar reievance in a context where the two systems have to coexist, but given that budgetary reporting (GA) is the main input to ESA reporting (NA), reconciiiation between the two systems is required. The second objective is of a more technicai nature-empiricaiiy demonstrating the diversity and materiaiity of the main adjustments to be made when converting GGS data from GA into NA. This is done by using evidence for Portugal and Spain, focusing on Centrai Government data for the period 2006-2009 and measuring their quantitative impact on the pubiic (budgetary) deficit. We conciude that GA systems as they are across EU do not meet ESA requirements, and further aiignment is therefore needed to reduce adjustments as much as possibie when transiating data from GA into NA. Additionaiiy, in the case of Portugal and Spain, the main findings show that the adjustments from GA into NA present great diversity for both of these Iberian countries. As for materiaiity, their impact is greater in Spain, but stiii significant in Portugal. Therefore, both the reiiabiiity and comparabiiity of finai budgetary baiances reported by EU member states within the Excessive Deficit Procedures (EDP) requirements may be questionabie.
Keywords : Governmentai accounting; budgetary reporting; nationai accounts; centrai government; budgetary deficit/surplus.