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Print version ISSN 0121-5051
PUELLES GALLO, Maria; LLORENS MARIN, Miguel and TALLEDO FLORES, Hernán. Perceptions of Control as a Determinant of the Intention to Purchase Organic Products. Innovar [online]. 2014, vol.24, n.54, pp.139-152. ISSN 0121-5051.
This article focuses on the potential role of retail organic food distribution chains. It has been shown that the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) (Ajzen, 1988, 1991) may be used to measure purchase intention of organic food products, using an opposition between Manufacturer's Brand (MB) and Distributor's Brand (DB) and to detect and differentiate between the factors that exert most influence over decisions taken in relation to each kind of brand. Evidence is provided of how specific marketing actions at the point of sale may be used to stimulate purchasers to buy organic products. Additionally, it has been demonstrated that TPB may be used to evaluate differences in attitude towards the purchase of organic products under MB and DB. The results show that the perception of control factor is fundamental to determining purchase behavior of these products, showing, for example, that variety of product lines, accessible prices and detailed information on the uses and benefits of the product can exert a positive influence on purchase behavior.
Keywords : Organic food, purchase intention; Theory of Planned Behavior; Manufacturer's Brand; Distributor's Brand; perception of control factor.