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Estudios Políticos

Print version ISSN 0121-5167On-line version ISSN 2462-8433


GOMEZ GARCIA, Juan Guillermo. The Continental Meaning of Manuel González Prada: On the Genesis of Anarchism in Hispanic America. Estud. Polit. [online]. 2010, n.37, pp.207-232. ISSN 0121-5167.

By way of prior explanation, this article presents a short characterization of the three types of intellectuals in Latin America, from independence to today, in order to consequently analyze the figure of González Prada. A renewal of studies on the noticeable Peruvian thinker Manuel González Prada (1844-1918), it would be constructive to analyze him through three new approaches or through a synthetic relationship of primary characteristics. The first of these is the reference to the consideration of the Peruvian nation as a deficit nation. The second is the transition of the Peruvian thinker from his first liberal-positivist and anti-clerical positions to a radicalism, becoming more and more decisive, which resulted in anarchism. And the third characteristic is tied to the position or reconfiguration of the intellectual in light of the "worker issue".

Keywords : Intellectual Types in Latin America; Manuel González Prada; Peruvian Nation; Ernest Renán; Anarchism; Workers' Struggles; Radical Intellectual Type.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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