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Estudios Políticos
Print version ISSN 0121-5167On-line version ISSN 2462-8433
QUINTERO CRISTANCHO, Sofía; MANTILLA VALBUENA, Silvia and ROMAN ROMERO, Raúl. Development Models and Peacebuilding in the Substitution of Coca Crops. Analysis of Community Participation in the Cases of Bolivia and Colombia. Estud. Polit. [online]. 2023, n.67, pp.240-267. Epub Oct 10, 2023. ISSN 0121-5167.
This article makes a comparative analysis of coca crop control and substitution policies in Bolivia and Colombia, respectively, focused on the contrast between two approaches to peace and development (Posneoliberal vs. Neoliberal), as well as the place that the variable called community participation has in the relationship among the State, national institutions and communities. It is concluded that, even when community participation is presented in both cases as the fundamental axis to deal with the phenomenon of coca cultivation, it is evident that the State-community relationship, in the Bolivian case, has been successful due to the importance of linking base associations in the design and implementation of policies against coca cultivation (bottom-up) presented in the Cato Agreement (Acuerdo del Cato), gaining an effective control and restriction. In the Colombian case, on the contrary, the State continues to reproduce technocratic measures and targeting actions (top-down) in which social participation is reduced to a legitimizing function in a context of permanent presence of coca crops cultivation, conflict and overflow of violence in several rural areas of the country.
Keywords : Public Politics; Coca Crops Substitution; Liberal Peace; Post-Neoliberalism; Community Participation; Alternative Development.