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Colombia Internacional

Print version ISSN 0121-5612


BOFF, Gabriela Bristot  and  OURIQUES, Helton Ricardo. United States energy and hegemony: An analysis of petroleum and shale gas from the perspective of world-systems theory. [online]. 2018, n.96, pp.149-176. ISSN 0121-5612.

The control of energy resources is an important aspect within the geopolitical disputes between States. In this context, the purpose of this paper is to show that the US policy on shale gas exploration lies within the context of the country's strategic issue of energy security. To achieve this aim it is necessary to: i) describe the relationship between the hegemony of the United States and the petroleum energy regime; ii) understand the American energy matrix and the role of shale gas exploration in the current global context.

Keywords : hegemony; energy; petroleum; shale gas.

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