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Print version ISSN 0121-7550


PEREZ-BUSTOS, Tania; PRIETO, Fabián  and  FRANCO-AVELLANEDA, Manuel. A reading of technology from feminist studies: the case of OLPC and Sugar Labs in Colombia. Nómadas [online]. 2012, n.36, pp.111-125. ISSN 0121-7550.

The article presents some contributions of contemporary feminist epistemologies to a located interpretation of information society, in the light of a research about the project "One laptop per child" and its software platform in Colombia, Sugar Labs (en el resumen en español falta la palabra labs). The article points out that this approach helps to think conditions of possibility and invisible positions, which define information technology and communication. It closes with some thoughts on how these considerations can provide dynamic tools to understand the material design, execution and management of social technologies.

Keywords : feminist studies of technology; OLPC; social technologies; TIC; postcolonial computational machinery.

        · abstract in Spanish | Portuguese     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )