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Print version ISSN 0121-7550


RIOS BELTRAN, Rafael  and  PABON VILLAMIZAR, Silvano. Archive memory / digital memory: considerations on pedagogical archives in a digital perspective. Nómadas [online]. 2012, n.36, pp.161-177. ISSN 0121-7550.

This writing helps to conceptualize and recognize the pedagogical archives through their contents, as in their heuristics and historiographical dimensions, starting from the existing problems between archival memory and digital memory. it intends to conceptualize the pedagogical archive, given that it needs to take a position from universality, not only as an archival -memory, but through the consequences that accessibility brings across digital platforms. it is concluded that educational institutions are far from conducting properly their archives; therefore, it turns that its valuable cultural heritage is still unknown.

Keywords : teaching file; memory; public policy; Escuela normal superior de Medellin; pedagogical knowledge; history of education.

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