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Revista Colombiana de Reumatología

versión impresa ISSN 0121-8123


VALLADALES-RESTREPO, Luis Fernando et al. Pattern of prescription drugs used for patients diagnosed with systemic vasculitis. Rev.Colomb.Reumatol. [online]. 2023, vol.30, n.2, pp.110-117.  Epub 11-Mayo-2024. ISSN 0121-8123.


Vasculitis is a heterogeneous group of diseases characterized by inflammation of the blood vessel wall, which can cause thrombosis, stenosis, or occlusion. Its pharmacological management involves corticosteroids and conventional and biological disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs.


The objective was to determine the different types of systemic vasculitis and their pharmacological treatment in a group of patients from Colombia, 2019-2020.

Materials and methods:

This was a cross-sectional study that identified different types of systemic vasculitis and their pharmacological management in a group of patients from a drug-dispensing database of approximately 8.5 million people. Sociodemographic, comorbidity and pharmacological variables were considered. A descriptive analysis was performed.


A total of 621 patients with a diagnosis of systemic vasculitis were identified. The patients had a median age of 55.0 years, and 74.4% were women. The most common vasculitis types were those limited to the skin (30.1%), granulomatosis with polyangiitis (17.6%), and necrotizing vasculopathy (10.8%). A total of 81.0% of cases received corticosteroid prescriptions, 44.0% received azathioprine, and 24.0% received methotrexate; only 1.6% were prescribed biological antirheumatic drugs. Cardiovascular diseases were the most common comorbidity.


The pattern of prescription medications used for patients diagnosed with systemic vasculitis is heterogeneous. Much of this population has associated comorbidities, which increases the use of medications according to the current management guidelines.

Palabras clave : Vasculitis; Rheumatology; Adrenal cortex hormones; Azathioprine; Pharmacoepidemiology (MeSH).

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