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Revista Colombiana de Reumatología

versión impresa ISSN 0121-8123


CASTANO GONZALEZ, Pablo  y  GOMEZ-PUERTA, José A.. Clinical trials: General concepts and interpretation. Rev.Colomb.Reumatol. [online]. 2023, vol.30, n.2, pp.150-155.  Epub 16-Mayo-2024. ISSN 0121-8123.

There are different types of clinical trial designs that serve specific purposes, which will depend on the nature of the rheumatological disease, the characteristics of the therapeutic interventions being investigated and the question the study is intended to answer. This review describes the main types of clinical trials conducted in the field of rheumatology, including their applications and limitations.

Palabras clave : Clinical trial; Randomisation; Controlled studies.

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