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Revista MVZ Córdoba

Print version ISSN 0122-0268


OVIEDO P, Misael; BRU C, Samir; ATENCIO G, Víctor  and  PARDO C, Sandra. Potential of the Cordoba coastal region Colombia for the culture of Nile tilapia. Rev.MVZ Cordoba [online]. 2013, vol.18, n.3, pp.3781-3789. ISSN 0122-0268.

Objective. To identify areas with high potential for Nile tilapia farming in the coastal region of Córdoba (Colombia). Materials and methods. Five information layers were incorporated into a geographical information system, including potential location of ponds, soil quality, water quality, road infrastructure and population, and limitations and constraints. Mapping information was collected, and land use plans (POT) of the coastal municipalities were reviewed; satellite images of the area were obtained and water and soil samples were collected. This information was evaluated, organized, and entered into the Geographical Information System (GIS) database. Spatial analysis tools were applied, and models of analysis that allowed the generation and integration of different subjects and the final construction of the suitability map for growing tilapia were established. Results. 2% of the study area was suitable for growing Nile tilapia. The high rate of unsatisfied basic needs (NBI) and deficiencies in road infrastructure had a negative effect on the potential for tilapia farming. High concentrations of iron and slight acidity in some areas suggest the presence of acid sulphate soils. High turbidity and suspended solids affected water quality, in addition to the small drainage capacity in some areas, which shows flood risk. Conclusions. The town of San Antero was the best fit for tilapia culture, but the delta-estuarine area, the lakes and surrounding environments in the lower basin of the Sinu River were not eligible.

Keywords : Fish; geographic information systems; maps.

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