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Revista MVZ Córdoba

Print version ISSN 0122-0268


DUQUE Q, Mónica; ROSERO N, Ricardo; GALLO, Jorge  and  OLIVERA A, Martha. Effect of protected fat supplementation on productive and reproductive performance in lactating cow. Rev.MVZ Cordoba [online]. 2013, vol.18, n.3, pp.3812-3821. ISSN 0122-0268.

ABSTRACT Objective. To investigate the effects of supplements with protected fat such as calcium soaps containing omega 3 or 6 milk production, composition and reproductive performance. Materials and methods. Twenty-four Holstein cows were used in a mixed model design. From 20 days before calving until 105 days postpartum, cows were assigned to different treatments; C: control diet, O6: animals supplemented with protected unsaturated fat including a higher amount of omega, 6 and O3: animals fed with protected unsaturated fat including higher amounts of omega 3. Milk volume and composition, and body condition score (CC) were determined, along with the first postpartum heat and ovulation. Results. Supplementation with omega 3 or 6 had no effect on milk volume, and fat percentages, protein, milk non-fat solids (SNF) and total solids (ST). However, there is a positive effect of omega 6 supplementation on the CC at 45 days postpartum (p<0.05). This was also reflected in a faster ovarian recovery (42.24±16.75 days to first postpartum ovulation). Conclusions. The use of omega 6 supplementation improves body condition score of animals during early postpartum, decreasing the days to the first ovulation and postpartum heat without affecting the volume or composition of the milk. Supplementation with omega 3 does not affect any productive parameters in the early postpartum.

Keywords : Diet prescription; food supplements omega 3; omega 6.

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