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Revista Médica de Risaralda

Print version ISSN 0122-0667


ROSSELLI, Diego; OSPINA AGUIRRE, Jorge  and  RUEDA, Juan David. MULATA study: Latin American sample of high blood pressure patients. Revista médica Risaralda [online]. 2013, vol.19, n.2, pp.114-119. ISSN 0122-0667.

Introduction: Due to its high prevalence and its importance as a risk factor for stroke, heart disease, and renal failure, hypertension is one of the most important diseases in common medical practice. The aim of this study was to describe the clinical and demographic characteristics of a sample of hypertensive patients, with at least one additional cardiovascular risk factor, in Argentina, Colombia and Venezuela. Methods: We performed a cross sectional study, with prospective data collection from a convenience sample of patients. Results: we found statistically significant differences in the distribution of cardiovascular risk factors (obesity, non-controlled hypertension, smoking and dyslipidemia) in the population of the different countries. There were slightly more women in our sample (53.7%), the average age was 59.3 (SD 13.6) years. In 29% of the patients hypertension was controlled. The most common practice in the whole sample was the use of two different drugs (40.6%). This was true both in Colombia (46.4%) and in Argentina (47.1%), while in Venezuela the use of monotherapy was more common (45%). Angiotensin II receptor antagonists are the most commonly used drug family in the three countries, either alone or in combination with other therapies. Discussion: Our population shows a poor control of blood pressure. Our patients need a more strict pharmacological therapy together with a strategy to identify and reduce all modifiable cardiovascular risk factors.

Keywords : Hypertension; Risk factors; Treatment patterns; Anti-hypertensive agents; efficacy.

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