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Revista Médica de Risaralda

Print version ISSN 0122-0667


MARIN G, Marta Elena; VILLA-PEREA, Julián A; VERA-POLANIA, Felipe  and  URBANO-GARZON, Sivia Fernanda. Hashitoxicosis: a case report. Revista médica Risaralda [online]. 2016, vol.22, n.1, pp.61-63. ISSN 0122-0667.

Known as Hashitoxicosis to Hashimoto's thyroiditis coexisting with episodes of hyperthyroidism. It is caused by excessive release of thyroid hormone in a patient previously diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease. It may be more common than previously thought, due to the apparent increase in patients with Hashimoto's disease and / or developments in its diagnosis. We report the case of a female patient 12 years of age, that clinical hyperthyroidism is diagnosed by Graves Basedow disease. However, initial studies and the subsequent evolution of the patient, the diagnosis oriented toward a different etiology.

Keywords : Hashitoxicosis; hyperthyroidism; hypothyroidism.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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