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Ingeniería y Desarrollo
Print version ISSN 0122-3461
VIANCHA SANCHEZ, Zulma Hasbleidy. Models and configurations of supply chains in perishable goods. Ing. Desarro. [online]. 2014, vol.32, n.1, pp.138-154. ISSN 0122-3461.
The purpose of this article is to present a reference framework in the models and configurations of agricultural supply chains, specifically in perishables. The review was based on information research in the databases "ISI Web of Science", "Scopus" and "Science Direct", and the selection criterion of topics of interest. The paper presents some approaches to modeling and configuration of supply chains and the impact of the territory in their planning. The exploration established that the issue requires further study about configurations and their implications, for the design of models to improve logistic processes in agricultural supply chains of multiple producers, with diverse geographic locations in rural areas and needs to decrease operating costs.
Keywords : agribusiness; supply chain; configurations models; fruits.