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Palabra Clave

Print version ISSN 0122-8285


ARANGO-LOPERA, Carlos Andrés. Cultural Industries and Aesthetics: A Crawl on their Possible Relationship. Palabra Clave [online]. 2015, vol.18, n.2, pp.499-536. ISSN 0122-8285.

This paper elaborates a journey through the concept of cultural industries from the aesthetic perspective. It is a reflection that arises within the research of "everyday esthetics and literature", which aims to address the literary reading from the perspective of every day aesthetics in the context of training Communication and Audiovisual Languages students, i.e., training professionals who will generate and manage content in the Cultural Industries. A documentary research methodology was followed, tracking the major theoretical contributions reviewed by critics in the field. At the end discussion on the field of emergencies in which some concerns arose during the exercise and that fuels future research.

Keywords : Cultural Industries; Daily Aesthetics.

        · abstract in Spanish | Portuguese     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )