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Ciencia y Tecnología Agropecuaria

Print version ISSN 0122-8706


AVENDANO-RUIZ, Belem Dolores; HERNANDEZ-ALCANTAR, Myriam Livier  and  MARTINEZ-CARRASCO-PLEITE, Federico. Technological innovations in the horticultural sector in northwestern Mexico: adoption speed and diffusion networks analysis. Corpoica cienc. tecnol. agropecu. [online]. 2017, vol.18, n.3, pp.495-511. ISSN 0122-8706.

The article focuses on the identification of innovation adoption and diffusion processes in the export horticultural sector in northwestern Mexico, and the differences identified taking into account the type of producer depending on the production size. The results of the adoption speed index suggests that large producers are distinguished as being early adopters and leaders in innovation adoption in this activity; but as long as there is a technological gap between small and large producers, that is increased even more by economical limitations, these will be identified as late adopters for this activity, supported by public programs for its adoption. The study was conducted in four entities of northwestern Mexico, Baja California, Baja California Sur, Sonora and Sinaloa, that in average contribute with 17 % of the national horticultural production. The international market is a strong promotor in innovation adoption, particularly in those related to food safety standards that are adopted by 84 % of the producers. The network analysis highlights the role of union organizations as technological innovation diffusors, e.g. the Confederation of Agricultural Associations of the Sinaloa State, and the Local Agricultural Association of horticulture, Fruits and Legumes of Hermosillo in Sonora.

Keywords : Horticulture; Innovation adoption; Food safety.

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