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Historia Caribe
versión impresa ISSN 0122-8803
ACEVEDO PUELLO, RAFAEL y RUIZ, PAOLA. Schoolteachers and the geographic knowledge production in the Sovereign State of Bolivar, 1874-1876. Hist. Caribe [online]. 2022, vol.17, n.41, pp.209-240. Epub 21-Dic-2022. ISSN 0122-8803.
This article discusses the project of the Directorate of Public Instruction of the sovereign state of Bolivar, which sought to collect, using schoolteachers, geographic information with the intention to write a general geography and to reform the official map of the state in the 1870s. The project, which was characterized by a knowledge collective construction and the involvement of non-experts in scientific matters, allowed to question the old cartographic representation of the State of Bolivar territory. In this sense, the article discusses the central role played by teachers in the production of local knowledge aimed at strengthening cartographic projects in the republican political life. In the case considered here, it can be argued that, beyond the actions of the cartographic commission, the project of describing and specifying geography cannot be understood in isolation from the educational work and the forms of knowledge production conducted by the preceptors of the schools of Bolivar.
Palabras clave : State of Bolivar; cartography; schoolteachers; geography and education.