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Revista de Medicina Veterinaria

Print version ISSN 0122-9354


POSADA ARIAS, Silvia. Epidemiological, Clinical and Treatment Aspects Related to Snakebites in Dogs and Cats. Rev. Med. Vet. [online]. 2015, n.30, pp.151-167. ISSN 0122-9354.

Annually, around 5,400,000 snakebites occur worldwide, 50% of which produce poisoning, and 2.5% of which result in death. In Latin America, 150,000 snakebites and 5,000 deaths are estimated for this cause. In Colombia, according to the National System for Public Health Surveillance (SIVIGILA, for its initials in Spanish), approximately 5064 accidents occurred in 2013. The snakes that are usually involved are those belonging to the genera Bothrops, Lachesis and Micrurus. This situation extends to veterinary medicine, since both production and companion animals are victims of snakebites in the entire world. While there is data on snakebites in small animals in different countries, there is little information related to this matter in Colombia. In this literature review, epidemiological data on snakebites on pets in Africa, Australia, some countries in Europe, in the United States and in some countries in South America are described. Similarly, the main species of snakes involved in such accidents are described, as well as the general poisoning conditions and some considerations regarding current treatments.

Keywords : snakebite; snakes; dogs; cats.

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