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Revista de Medicina Veterinaria
Print version ISSN 0122-9354On-line version ISSN 2389-8526
GONZALEZ-ACOSTA, Julio Alberto and ROSADO-PUCCINI, Rafael. Sediment Composition of the System Affluent-Oxidation Pool-Effluent in an Intensive Farm of Oncorhynchus mykiss. Rev. Med. Vet. [online]. 2022, n.44, pp.47-59. Epub May 26, 2022. ISSN 0122-9354.
Sediment is the surface layer in the bottom of ponds or oxidation pools. It is created basically due to the deposition of solids in suspension, nutrients, and soil particles that contact the water and are produced naturally in farming operations. Today, the management and arrangement are a must in technical issues due to the environmental implications generated by the discharges coming from fish cultures. The general characterization of the sediment was carried out in three sectors of an intensive production farm, affluent, oxidation pool, and effluent. It included four parameters that were measured in three different time points. Obtained values were compared using one-way variance analysis with α = 0.05 as the significance level. In addition, when necessary, a Tukey test was carried out to pin down the differences. It enabled us to find the measures of available phosphorus, organic matter, organic carbon, and the ratio C: N. the differences found between the sectors are approximate values to the effect of the fish production regarding the sediment composition.
Keywords : trout farm; sediment; general analysis.