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Educación y Educadores
Print version ISSN 0123-1294On-line version ISSN 2027-5358
GIL-MADRONA, Pedro; GOMEZ-VILLORA, Sixto; CONTRERAS-JORDAN, Onofre R and GOMEZ-BARRETO, Isabel. Justification for Physical Education at the Preschool Level. educ.educ. [online]. 2008, vol.11, n.2, pp.159-177. ISSN 0123-1294.
The gradual discovery of one's body as a source of sensations and the exploration of possibilities for corporal action and functions are obligatory experiences on which to build children's thinking. By the same token, the emotional relationships established in situations that involve motor activity, play in particular, are fundamental to emotional growth. Intervention based on motor functions during childhood must respond to these questions and others, such as a sedentary lifestyle and obesity among children. In this respect, the article is an attempt to justify the necessary and systematic presence of motor functions, through physical education, and outlines a preschool project for practical intervention that is recreational, happy, enjoyable, attractive and enchanting for children. Concepts and assumptions on psychomotor development are considered, as are motor contents in preschool education, corporal expression, motor play and a proposal on method and programming motor functions in this stage of education.
Keywords : Physical education; corporal expression; education and childcare; educational play; motor development.