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vol.13 número32¿Qué indicadores económico-financieros podrían condicionar la decisión del experto independiente sobre la supervivencia de una empresa en su fase preconcursal? Evidencia empírica en España índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Cuadernos de Contabilidad

versión impresa ISSN 0123-1472


LANDAZURI-AGUILERA, Yara; RUIZ-PEREZ, Roberto; VALENZUELA-REYNAGA, Rodolfo  y  CHAVEZ-RIVERA, Mirna Yudit. Structure of Stock Investment Portfolios: The Case of the Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV). Cuad. Contab. [online]. 2012, vol.13, n.32, pp.'65-95'. ISSN 0123-1472.

In recent years, stock markets have become more important in the economy. The number of people interested in them and focusing their attention on the capital market is increasing. Specialized companies address the stock exchanges to demand or invest funds; independent investors also do so frequently, seeking better returns on their investments. Given the above, this study shows the efficiency applied to a case study of a group of assets in the stock market, which will be of particular interest to those who wish to invest in or study companies listed on the Mexican Stock Exchange. This article may be of great interest for those who, having different backgrounds, invest in securities traded on the stock market, specifically in shares of companies listed in the Index of Prices and Quotations (IPC). It explains some important definitions for the understanding of the investment portfolio, as well as the methodology used to calculate the returns of the portfolio in order to make optimal investments in equity instruments such as stocks, using the Harry Markowitz procedure with a stochastic approach.

Palabras clave : Stock market; stocks; profitability; portfolio; Stock market, Mexico; Profitability; Investments portfolio.

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