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Cuadernos de Contabilidad

versión impresa ISSN 0123-1472


OTERO-CAICEDO, Ricardo; STEVENSON, Bolívar  y  RINCON-GARCIA, Nicolás. Comparison by Means of Picking in Store of Two Delivery Methods in a Home Delivery Environment in Supermarkets. Subject Area: Logistics in the City. Cuad. Contab. [online]. 2016, vol.17, n.44, pp.575-594. ISSN 0123-1472.

In Colombia, electronic commerce is increasing considerably according to figures from the Colombian Chamber of Electronic Commerce, CCCE. In this market, department stores such as Jumbo, La 14, Almacenes éxito, and Carulla, among others, participate through the Home Delivery service. This service consists of 3 main stages, starting on the reception of the order, continuing with the collection in the warehouse of the products that make up the order (order picking), and concluding with delivery to the customer (delivery). Efficiency in logistics processes is essential to ensure the profitability of supermarkets in this segment. Specifically, the order picking stage is fundamental, since it represents about half of the warehouse costs. Framed in the picking in store process, this document presents and analyzes the comparison between two alternatives of product delivery: i) on the same day, ii) on the following day. In the first case, the orders are dispatched as they arrive, following the FIFO (first in first out) criterion for the assignment of each order to each operator. In the second case, the orders are accumulated and dispatched the next day, which allows batching (grouping orders in lots) and assigning one or several lots to each operator to perform the picking. These two alternatives were compared using discrete event simulation. Results indicated that keeping the promise to the customer of delivery on the same day the order is placed increases the operational costs of picking by an average of 450%.

Palabras clave : creación de lotes; elivery; order picking; lot creation; discrete event.

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