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Persona y Bioética
Print version ISSN 0123-3122
CARRENO-MORENO, Sonia; CHAPARRO-DIAZ, Lorena and LOPEZ-RANGEL, Rocío. Finding a Reason to Keep Living When Faced with the Challenge of Losing a Child to Cancer: An Integrative Review. pers.bioét. [online]. 2017, vol.21, n.1, pp.46-61. ISSN 0123-3122.
The experience of losing a child to cancer represents an emotional burden for the parents with extreme individual, family and social effects that do not end with death. This integrative review is intended to identify key aspects in the experience of losing a child to cancer. The results show a pattern (search for meaning) surrounding six moments in the mourning process These can serve as elements of intervention to accompany parents as they try to cope. It is concluded this pattern is an important phenomenon for the development of palliative care at the end of life and afterwards.
Keywords : Palliative care; palliative care at the end of life; neoplasms; pediatrics; nursing.