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Psicología desde el Caribe
Print version ISSN 0123-417XOn-line version ISSN 2011-7485
MORENO MENDEZ, Jaime and UTRIA RODRIGUEZ, Emilio. Characterization of cognitive behavioral treatment programs for managing behavior problems in children and adolescents in Bogota between 2002 and 2008. Psicol. caribe [online]. 2011, n.28, pp.39-76. ISSN 0123-417X.
This project describes and analyzes the characteristics of the programs of cognitive-behavioral treatment of behavior problems in children and adolescents in Bogota during the years 2002 to 2008. Aiming at this objective, an investigation was conducted with an empirical-analytic, descriptive methodology with a documentary, which idenfitied the current status of the various programs subject of this study in terms of achievements and progress and the limitations, difculties and gaps that occur in the local context.
Keywords : treatment programs; behavioral problems; children and adolescents.