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Psicología desde el Caribe

Print version ISSN 0123-417X


CERQUERA CORDOBA, Ara Mercedes; PABON POCHES, Daysy Katherine  and  URIBE BAEZ, Diana Marcela. Level of depression experienced by a sample of informal caregivers of patients with Alzheimer-type dementia. Psicol. caribe [online]. 2012, vol.29, n.2, pp.360-384. ISSN 0123-417X.

Descriptive cross-sectional, quantitative study, aimed to identify the level of depression in a sample of informal caregivers of Alzheimer's patients, composed of 52 subjects. Consideration was given to the following inclusion criteria: primary informal caregiving, with at least 3 months in the care of the patient, with no financial compensation and taking care of non-institutionalized patients. The Depression Inventory (state / trait) IDER , was applied on the sample; The results of the test show a 46.2% in the scale of total state, and a 51.9% in euthymic state subscale, showing also a high incidence of depression. In full scale of trait, there is a total absence of 76.9%, but in the dysthymia subscale, the trait had an absence of 88.5%, therefore, there is no relevance in terms of the level of depression as a trait.

Keywords : Depression; Alzheimer type dementia; informal caregiver; depression status; depression trait.

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