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vol.41 número2Correlations between academic burnout, coping and social support in college students índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Psicología desde el Caribe

versão impressa ISSN 0123-417Xversão On-line ISSN 2011-7485


MONTEIRO, Mareia Cristina  e  BENEVIDES SOARES, Adriana. Conception of integrated high school students in Rio de Janeiro about character strengths and virtues. Psicol. caribe [online]. 2024, vol.41, n.2, pp.1-1.  Epub 07-Set-2024. ISSN 0123-417X.

Strengths and virtues are defined as positive characteristics that have moral value. The objective of this research was to investigate the conception of the students of Integrated Technical High School on strengths and virtues, if there is a difference between the conception between female and male students, how they understand the role of strengths and virtues in the choice and performance of the future technical profession and if the perception of the concept differs from the literature. Participated 21 students, 10 girls and 11 boys from the first year of different courses from a Brazilian public educational institution. Two focus groups were held on different dates. The results showed that conceptions brought by the students are related to characteristics responsible for promoting personal and academic goals for current and future situations to their professional career. The data obtained can contribute to actions, expanding the possibilities of applying positive psychology in the school context as a resource favorable to learning and the development of strengths and virtues. Prospective research can investigate the impact of strengths and virtues with constructions related to the concept investigated in the present study with the use of instruments that can collaborate with qualitative data presented.

Palavras-chave : Character strengths; virtues; adolescents; integrated high school.

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