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vol.41 número2Autoeficácia docente e acesso a recursos no ensino remoto emergencial: Escalas psicométricas índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Psicología desde el Caribe

versão impressa ISSN 0123-417Xversão On-line ISSN 2011-7485


NUNEZ VALENZUELA, Irán Abelino; ROJO URREAA, Román; SEPULVEDA MORENO, César Omar  e  GONZALEZ LOMELIB, Daniel. Evolution of Suicide Rates in Mexico (1998-2021): A sex and depression analysis. Psicol. caribe [online]. 2024, vol.41, n.2, pp.6-6.  Epub 10-Set-2024. ISSN 0123-417X.

Mexico has alarming suicide rates among adolescents and young people. Therefore the objective of the research was to explain how depression influences the manifestation of suicidal thoughts and attempts in young people and, in addition, to know if suicides in the country vary significantly according to their sex. The CHAID classification method, simple indexes, and mean difference were used to test these assumptions. The results for Sonora, Mexico show that there is a connection between depression and the manifestation of suicidal thoughts and attempts in adolescents (X2 Suicidal ideation >200, P-value < 0.01; X2 Suicidal attempt >77, P-value < 0.01). In addition, the number of youth suicides in the country from 1998 to 2021 on average is different between females and males (T-Student = 15.32, P-Value < 0.05; Mean number of suicides in males = 1150, Mean number of suicides in females = 357). We conclude a marked prevalence of depression in young people, is linked to the increase in suicides in Mexico, especially in women. This highlights the urgency of implementing gender-specific preventive strategies and promoting early awareness.

Palavras-chave : Depression; suicidal behavior; suicidal ideation; youth; sex.

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