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Revista U.D.C.A Actualidad & Divulgación Científica
versión impresa ISSN 0123-4226
ORTIZ GRISALES, Sanín; VALDES RESTREPO, Magda Piedad y VALLEJO CABRERA, Franco Alirio. Inbreeding effect in combinatorial ability of yield and quality on butternut squash ( Cucurbita moschata Duchesne). rev.udcaactual.divulg.cient. [online]. 2020, vol.23, n.1, e1176. Epub 30-Jun-2020. ISSN 0123-4226.
Butternut squash, Cucubita moschata Duchesne, is a vegetable used for various culinary and agro-industrial processes due to its colour, flavour and texture; however, these characteristics change depending on the cultivar. Based on 6 parents, 15 F1 hybrids, not including reciprocals, the effect of inbreeding on the combinatorial ability (HC) of characters associated with the performance and quality of Butternut squash fruit was studied; in two locations, Candelaria and Buga, Valle del Cauca-Colombia. Diallel and progenitor crosses with different degrees of inbreeding (S0xS0, S1xS1 and S2xS2) were used. Method 2 and model I proposed by Griffing and the Hallauer & Miranda analysis were applied to assess the general combinatorial (HCG) and specific combinatorial ability (HCE) of the yield and quality of the fruit, for agroindustrial purposes. All evaluated characters varied between inbreeding generations. Interaction between inbreeding generation by locality was detected for all characters (P <0.01), with the exception of starch (AL) and total carotene (CT) in fruit. The HCG and HCE did not adjust to expected behaviour pattern, due to the variation of parents to inbreeding susceptibility. The parents with highly significant HCG (P <0.01) for production were 79S0, 79S1, 80S0 y 34S1 in Candelaria and 79S0, 79S1, 79S2, 34S0, 6S0, 6S1, 2S1 y 2S2 to Buga. The best hybrids with high HCE and high performance and quality, for Candelaria locality were: 2x28-S0, 2x80-S0, 28x80-S0 and 80x34 and for locality Buga: 2x6-S1, 80x34-S1, 2x80-S2 and 79x34-S2.
Palabras clave : Inbred lines; diallel crosses; heterotic effects; combinatorial aptitude; Cucurbitaceae.