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Revista U.D.C.A Actualidad & Divulgación Científica
Print version ISSN 0123-4226
CUEVAS-REYES, Venancio and RAMIREZ-GOMEZ, Carlos Julián. Adding value in family farming organizations in Nariño, Colombia. rev.udcaactual.divulg.cient. [online]. 2024, vol.27, n.1, e2430. Epub Apr 03, 2024. ISSN 0123-4226.
Family farming is considered a potential productive model since the associative organization contributes to production volumes and food supply. However, these organizations face challenges related to a better insertion in the market circuits, for which they seek strategies to differentiate themselves. This study aims to identify the factors that determine the added value of agricultural products marketed by family farming organizations in the Department of Nariño, Colombia. Through the case study method, a sample of 150 family farm organizations was selected, and the information was analyzed using a Probit model. 64 % of the organizations carry out value-added activities; the significant variables (P< 0.05) were the income level and, with a negative sign, the loss of product, the average production, and the kilograms sold. In addition, higher-income organizations are more likely to add value to products; in contrast, lower production and product losses cause this probability to decrease. Implementing policies that favor adding value to agri-food products is required to achieve better commercialization of the products, less food loss, and higher income.
Keywords : Agroindustry; Agricultural market; Agricultural production; Market circuits; Value added.