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Print version ISSN 0123-4870
BUSTAMANTE ZAMUDIO, Guillermo. The Three Principles of the Aristotelian Logic: Are they from the world or from the speech?. Folios [online]. 2008, n.27, pp.24-30. ISSN 0123-4870.
We are in the habit of thinking on the three principles of the Aristotelian Logic (identity, non contradiction and the third one excluded) as those describing the world performance. However such principles imply certain suppositions that, when established, deal us into the pragmatism of the speech, no matter what thinks are like or how things to be set. At once, this situation protects those principles against any objection arisen from reality; and, on the other hand, it permits in any case to precise the formulation of the principle under question.
Keywords : Principles of identity; non contradiction and the third one excluded; logic; argumentation.