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Print version ISSN 0123-4870
VEGA CANTOR, Renán. A discourse in favor of History and Geography teaching of national kind in the context of the new educational (dis)order. Folios [online]. 2008, n.27, pp.31-50. ISSN 0123-4870.
In this paper certain aspects related to the teaching of Histoy and Geography are examined in the current context. For this purpose, a reflexion about three topics is presented. In the first place, some characteristics of the new educative global (dis)order are considered. Sencondly, the impact of educative transformations on school social sciences is analyzed. Finally, a nationalistic approach to the teaching History and Geography is proposed, as part of a general project directed to the recovery of a critical point of view for school kwnowledge. This approach could serve students of our times to be in touch with a way of thinking alternative to the etherial school social sciences that have been imposed in Colombian educational system.
Keywords : Teaching of History and Geography; school knowledge; global educative (dis)order; critical thinking.