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Print version ISSN 0123-4870
ANGULO NOGUERA, Yamilet. The Order of Representation in the Colombian Novel of XXI Century First Decade: The Transgression of La Celda Sumergida. Folios [online]. 2008, n.27, pp.121-131. ISSN 0123-4870.
The purpose of this essay is to describe and to review the dynamic of the premier decade of the twenty one century novel champ. This literary movement realizes an order of representation that procures the inclusion of diverse expressive manners and the perception of the genre where new narrative pacts make complex the relationship between fiction and reality. The analysis sociocritical of La celda sumergida by Julio Paredes is the starting point of a reflexion around the fight for legitimacy in which the horizon fixed by central enunciative logics are demanded. To write this essay, the theoretical contributions of Pierre Bourdieu, Georg Lukács, Lucien Goldmann, Mijail Bajtin and the critical thinking around modernity-posmodernity developed by Gianni Vattimo, Zygmunt Bauman, Jorge Orlando Melo and Salomón Kalmanovitz.
Keywords : Order of representation; logocentric rationality; divergence; transgression; fiction-reality; Colombian narrative.