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Print version ISSN 0123-8418On-line version ISSN 2215-7484
PEDROTTI, Carolina Inés and COTA DIAZ, Elsa Cecilia. Urban Housing Habitability and COVID-19: The Structural, the Circumstantial, the Desirable and the Possible from a Mexican Metropolis. Territ. [online]. 2024, n.50, e2. Epub Feb 29, 2024. ISSN 0123-8418.
The article reflects on the problems faced by urban dwellers in terms of the habitability conditions of their homes facing the COVID-19 pandemic. To this end, the link that urban habit-ability problems have had with health is highlighted from a historical perspective and, based on a categorization of urban habitability conditions traditionally described by the literature, a weighting of them is formulated considering the circumstances that currently challenge them. The specific case study is the Metropolitan Area of Toluca (ZMT), Mexico. In analysis of the results habitability problems stand out, among which even homes, households and social groups that had not previously presented problems of this type have been affected. Finally, the study concludes with a repositioning of the habitability conditions -housing and urban- and a discussion of the limits of housing that force us to look towards the city and its use.
Keywords : Housing; habitability conditions; urbanization & health; COVID-19 pandemics.