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Print version ISSN 0123-8418On-line version ISSN 2215-7484
ARRIETA-FLOREZ, Rosaura; ALVIS-ARRIETA, Jorge and ESPINOSA-ESPINOSA, Aarón. Transformations of the Urban-Rural Space in Colombia and Their Impact on Water Supply. Territ. [online]. 2024, n.50, e8. Epub Apr 15, 2024. ISSN 0123-8418.
This article analyzes the productive transformation and its links with food insecurity in rural communities affected by internal armed conflicts. The case of Maria La Baja, a municipality of agroecological riches in the Montes de María, is examined, one of the most affected region by prolonged civil armed conflict in Colombia. Quantitative analysis is used to verify the intertemporal relationships between the conflict facts and the expansion and concentration of oil palm crops, in detriment of food production and its access. Participatory diagnostic methods are applied to peasants, producers and other social actors, to document the role of the armed actors before the agro-industrial expansion, and their incidence on food accessing. Expansion in agro-industrial production in María La Baja is strongly related with violent acts of armed conflict and with reduced peasant production, restricting availability of food. This work contributes to the discussion by valuing the territorial visions that helps to understand the nature of the productive transformations generated by agribusiness public policies that reduced autonomy and food self-sufficiency in peasant communities.
Keywords : Armed conflict; food safety; rural depopulation; productive change; oil palm; Colombia.