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Revista de Estudios Sociales
Print version ISSN 0123-885X
GARCIA SOMOZA, Mari-Sol and VALCARCEL, Mayra Soledad. Icons, Meanings and Identities in Motion: Strategies, Practices and Discourses in a Muslim Community in Buenos Aires. rev.estud.soc. [online]. 2016, n.56, pp.51-66. ISSN 0123-885X.
We analyze the processes of identity reconstruction in a Shiite community in Buenos Aires taking the effects of globalization and transnational phenomena into account. First, we reflect on the institutional strategies, practices and symbolic resources deployed by its members to define their presence in the public space. We then look at the impact of Political Islam on this group's praxis and discursive rhetoric. Finally, we explore the relationship between political-religious language, the promotion of traditional family morality and corporal inscription -especially among the women- of Muslim identity. We conclude that turning certain diacritics of identity into icons and supporting certain political causes allows them to vindicate their belonging to a lineage of believers and to negotiate their position within the Argentine socio-religious field
Keywords : Islam; identity; globalization; public space, transnationality; hijab.