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Revista de Estudios Sociales

Print version ISSN 0123-885X


CANTO-MILA, Natàlia et al. Social Distancing and COVID-19. Distance and Proximity as Viewed from a Relational Perspective. rev.estud.soc. [online]. 2021, n.78, pp.75-92.  Epub Sep 21, 2021. ISSN 0123-885X.

As part of the global response to COVID-19, categorized by the WHO as a pandemic, social distancing has emerged as a key concept in the management of the bioemergency. This article discusses social distancing from a sociological perspective, drawing on Simmel, Cantó-Milà and Sabido Ramos’ notions of proximity and distance. We intend to illustrate the implicit and explicit meanings and dimensions given to the concepts of social distance and distancing during the initial months of the pandemic, along with their impact on relationships, interactions, and ties. We reflect on the function of framing all social relations in terms of distance and proximity, analytically differentiating between the concepts of relationship, interaction, and ties.

Keywords : Bioemergency; COVID-19; interaction; physical distance; proximity; relationship; social distance; ties.

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