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Print version ISSN 0123-921X
SUAREZ CASTILLON, Sir Alexci and SOTO AREVALO, Fanny Stella. Qualitative assessment of the kodu visual programming language in primary school children. Tecnura [online]. 2015, vol.19, n.46, pp.37-48. ISSN 0123-921X.
This article is aimed to developing scientific thinking in children from the perspective of Systems Engineering program through KODU Visual programming language. This is based on the ability children have to resolving problems, critical thinking, and their natural inborn talent. In order to accomplish this task, the process is part of a science club named University of the Children. This is a project with six different phases and four roles to be played as a designer, a programmer, a testing person, and a client. The results show that children have knowledge on the properties of objects, and about their real and virtual world, which allows them to develop a language program focused on objects without having a prior knowledge on this paradigm. It has been demonstrated by proof that children can make decisions by doing research and working with peers. They can also develop scientific knowledge and correct mistakes, and that leads them to dare to be innovative at all times. The results show that more than 90% of children have responded with satisfaction to the challenges proposed by programming language which gives them a better idea of the role, functions and responsibilities of a systems engineer.
Keywords : KODU; Program languages; Scientific thinking; University of the Children; Visual programming.