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Print version ISSN 0123-921X
AREVALO ASCANIO, José Gregorio; BAYONA TRILLOS, Ramón Armando and RICO BAUTISTA, Dewar Willmer. Implantation of a safety management system information under the ISO 27001: risk analysis information. Tecnura [online]. 2015, vol.19, n.46, pp.123-134. ISSN 0123-921X.
In this article the structure of the business of the city of Ocaña is explored with the aim of expanding the information and knowledge of the main variables of the productive activity of the municipality, its entrepreneurial spirit, technological development and productive structure. For this, a descriptive research was performed to identify economic activity in its various forms and promote the implementation of administrative practices consistent with national and international references. The results allowed to establish business weaknesses, including information, which once identified are used to design spaces training, acquisition of abilities and employers management practices in consistent with the challenges of competitiveness and stay on the market. As of the results was collected information regarding technological component companies of the productive fabric of the city, for which the application of tools for the analysis of information systems is proposed using the ISO 27001: 2005, using most appropriate technologies to study organizations that protect their most important asset information: information.
Keywords : System documentation; ISO 27001 standard; Business Structure; risk management; nformation technology.