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Print version ISSN 0123-921X
RODRIGUEZ MIRANDA, Juan Pablo; GARCIA UBAQUE, César Augusto and PARDO PINZON, Janneth. Selection of technologies for municipal wastewater treatment. Tecnura [online]. 2015, vol.19, n.46, pp.149-164. ISSN 0123-921X.
In water environmental planning in watersheds should contain aspects for the decontamination of receiving water body, therefore the selection of the treatment plants municipal wastewater in developing countries, you should consider aspects of the typical composition raw wastewater pollutant removal efficiency by technology, performance indicators for technology, environmental aspects of localization and spatial localization strategy. This methodology is built on the basis of technical, economic and environmental attributes, such as a tool for decision making future investments in treatment plants municipal wastewater with multidisciplinary elements.
Keywords : selection; technology; treatment; wastewater environmental planning.