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JARA ESTUPINAN, Jefferson; GIRAL, Diego  and  MARTINEZ SANTA, Fernando. Implementation of algorithms based on support vector machine (SVM) for electric systems: topic review. Tecnura [online]. 2016, vol.20, n.48, pp.149-170. ISSN 0123-921X.

Objective: To perform a review of implementation of algorithms based on support vectore machine applied to electric systems. Method: A paper search is done mainly on Bibliographic Indexes (BI) and Bibliographic Bases with Selection Committee (BBSC) about support vector machine. This work shows a qualitative and/or quantitative description about advances and applications in the electrical environment, approaching topics such as: electrical market prediction, demand prediction, non-technical losses (theft), alternative energy source and transformers, among others, in each work the respective citation is done in order to guarantee the copy right and allow to the reader a dynamic movement between the reading and the cited works. Results: A detailed review is done, focused on the searching of implemented algorithms in electric systems and innovating application areas. Conclusion: Support vector machines have a lot of applications due to their multiple benefits, however in the electric energy area; they have not been totally applied, this allow to identify a promising area of researching.

Keywords : Algorithms; machine learning; support vector machines; electricity.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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