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Print version ISSN 0123-921X


TREJOS BURITICA, Omar Iván. Types of mathematical thinking implemented in the learn process of functional programming. Tecnura [online]. 2018, vol.22, n.56, pp.29-39. ISSN 0123-921X.


This article presents and analyzes the results of a research carried out in a classroom, in the context of the learning of functional programming at university level in Systems Engineering and Computing program, from the application of the types of mathematical thinking and their use in the DrRacket programming language. The purpose was to establish links between the types of mathematical thinking and computer programming (for first-semester students).


For the development of the research, we worked with a group of first-year students, applying the proposed methodology of mathematical thinking. The evaluations, based on the types of mathematical thinking, were made in another group that was receiving the subject by conventional methods. In this group only the evaluative tests were carried out; no monitoring of their learning was done.


The results show great advantages when articulating mathematics and computer programming within the context of a subject that gives meaning to both areas.


It is concluded that functional programming is learned in an easier way when it is related to the types of mathematical thinking and vice versa.

Keywords : learning; discovery; mathematics; functional programming; logic; meaning.

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