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Print version ISSN 0123-921X


ESPINEL DUARTE, Luis Eduardo; LADINO CHAVES, Oswaldo  and  IGUARAN SALINAS, Lauren Diane. Diagnosis of the effects generated by long-distance traffic in the road network of the municipality of Cachipay, Cundinamarca. Tecnura [online]. 2018, vol.22, n.56, pp.62-75. ISSN 0123-921X.


This study presents the weak infrastructure that exists on long-haul roads. The municipality of Cachipay, Cundinamarca, is taken as a case study, which does not escape a series of mobility inconveniences due to the failures of the road network.


The research was developed in the line of investigation of modeling and simulation of problems, with the approach of a case study through inventory and damage analysis, developing two alternatives, and choosing the most appropriate one.


The search for solutions to mobility problems in the municipality of Cachipay has generated an increase in vehicular traffic through the streets of the municipality, ranging from 67% to 46%, according to traffic counts recorded on weekdays against the holidays.


Because it is a municipality near the capital, Cachipay ought to have proposals that contribute to solve the deterioration of the streets and alternate roads, and to strengthen the municipal vehicle fleet.

Keywords : Cachipay; damage inventory; road network; vehicular mobility; Long-range traffic.

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