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Print version ISSN 0123-921X


LADINO TAMAYO, Alexis Fernando; MARTINEZ ROJAS, Jeimy Alexandra  and  BURITICA ARBOLEDA, Clara Inés. APRENDYSAGE methodology applied to the study cases: Briceño-Boyacá and Cajicá-Cundinamarca. Tecnura [online]. 2018, vol.22, n.57, pp.13-31. ISSN 0123-921X.


The dependence on conventional sources of electrical energy, the depletion of resources and the need to improve the reliability and efficiency of electric power service lead to the promotion of non-conventional sources of electric power, such as the resources of livestock residual biomass.


This paper presents the results of theoretical and technical energy potential in using cattle waste for the self-generation of electricity applied to two case studies. The study implements the APREND-YSAGE methodology and analyzes the technical, economic, and environmental viability using the RETScreen software.


The electrical energy generated from the use of livestock biomass residual resources, and the implementation of self-generation systems, can meet the needs of a household with an installed capacity of 3 kW.


The economic investment required for the application of this type of project is quite high. However, there are benefits such as the reduction of emission of greenhouse gases, the reduction of outbreaks of infection due to inadequate management of livestock residual biomass, and the production of biofertilizers and biogas, which make the application of this type of projects advisable.

Keywords : biomass; electricity; self-generation; waste.

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